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Oppositions says this government is a dictatorial regime with administrative incompetence

Oppositions says this government is a dictatorial regime with administrative incompetence

The people of the country are facing many hardships due to the incompetent dictatorial regime of those who have ruled this country so far.

If there is one government that has pushed the people’s economy into an abyss, it is this government. Today the country is forced to beg abroad due to an unplanned and under planned regime.

As the National Organizer of the Upcountry People’s Front and a former member of the Central Provincial Council, R. Rajaram said this while commenting on the current political situation in his office in Nuwara Eliya.

He further commented that when looking at the issue of rise in prices of essential commodities in the country today, the gas cylinder explosion, the repression of plantation workers, the unstable regime and of the plantation people who had been abandoned in the budget project; these are clear indications of the historic Fascist Mussolini in Italy and the Nazi Hitler regime.

This government has ruined the agricultural sector of this country. A large number of vegetable growers in the Nuwara Eliya district today have suspended their vegetable production due to shortage of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The government has now permitted the private sector to import chemical fertilizers. As a result, the rise in prices of rice will be similar to that of chemical fertilizers. Today rice traders are the ones who import chemical fertilizers just as they set the price for rice. The price of fertilizer will be fixed so that farmers will not have to pay more for chemical fertilizers. Farmers will thus be the ones affected by this.

These rulers claim to provide free compost if they come to power. What of those who came to power today, claiming to reduce prices; thus, coveting the votes of 69 lakh people? And what of the people who voted for these rulers?

Those who do not vote, think twice. Many sectors, including agriculture, the president, Asians, health workers, civil servants, railway service officials and plantation workers have taken to the streets to protest against the government. They thought that the demands of the people would be met through the budget. But the demands of the people were not addressed in this budget. The cost of living of the people has increased and the burden of living of the people has increased. So, if the people of this country are to live in peace, the people must come together to wage a struggle against the state to bring about a regime change as soon as possible; Rajaram added.

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